Make An Airport User-friendly

As designers, we all have our methods to come up with solutions to any challenges. We are constantly re-visiting old creations to update them for ourselves (a user) or others (a user). Nevertheless, designers are always in the ideation process. These processes can be time-consuming, so depending on what you and or a team is developing/updating depends on what ideation method you choose to participate in.

I recently learned about a new ideation method that is quick and only requires a writing instrument and paper (or board). It is called a mash-up. Mash-up to my amazement was challenging but quite fun. 

There are five steps in creating an ideation method: mash-up.

  1. Frame
  2. Narrow
  3. Generate
  4. Mash-up
  5. Visualize

I created my ideation mash-up that addresses the problem of airports for passengers. 

Over the years I have had my fair share of plane trips, and if you have flown in the last five years, you know how horrible it can be. You have to arrive at your airport hours ahead of time, and even then you hope your flight is not delayed or even worse canceled. Using the “How might we” question I created an ideation method: mash-up to help solve an issue that has arisen from an experience at an airport. 

Step 1 – Frame

During the frame, you want to express a challenge by developing a “how might we” statement. 

“How might we improve the experience of an airport for passengers”

Step 2 – Narrow

Once your statement is created, you now pick two broad, unrelated categories such as airports and resort.

  1. Elements of an airport.
  2. Things you would find at a resort.

Step 3 – Generate

With the two categories that were developed during step two, and begin to list as many elements of the experience as possible. It helps if a timer is set. 

Elements of an airport

  1. Standing on line at baggage check
  2. Having to wait from a plane to dock
  3. Paying for tv access on a plane
  4. Orders
  5. Bright lights

Things you find at a resort

  1. Minibar
  2. Pool
  3. Gym
  4. Restaurant – food service
  5. Dark rooms

Step 4 – Mash-up

Once the elements of the experience of each category are completed, you will begin to combine the two lists. You will be ideating as many products, services, or experiences as you can by naming each and defining what it is. 

5E. Darkener Pods. When it is too bright, loud, or the temperature is just not right, people become annoyed every quickly. These specific pods allow waiting passengers to become comfortable during the long hours of waiting at their gate location.

Step 5 – Visualize

During the final step, it is important to sketch out at least three different mash-ups. The sketches do not have to be integrated, as long as the general idea is drawn. 

Once all the steps are completed you can organize them in a document that can be used at a later date or shared with other teams. 

When creating this ideation method: mash-up, I was able to come up with fifteen different elements at an airport, and the things you find at a resort. From those fifteen, I was able to generate five mash-up and three sketches. Out of those five, my craziest one was Darkener Pods, which cancels out noise and light for waiting passengers.

To find out what was some of my other idea, download the document below.

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